

Tampa Bay Takeout BINGO logo

A fully covered board will be worth $250 cash, sponsored by independent businesses. 

Receipts/ boards will be turned in via email (scan or screenshot) to tampabaytakeoutbingo@gmail.com

A winner will be drawn from all entries for the cash prize. We will do this (we hope) on May 2nd.

The goal is to FULLY COVER THE BOARD. Not 5 spaces.

We will also pick 5 winners for random gift cards donated by each individual restaurant of $25 or more (they will win 3 each).

NOTE: If a restaurant closes during this time, it is considered a FREE SPACE.

Share amongst friends, using the hashtag #tampabaytakeoutbingo

Any questions, please email tampabaytakeoutbingo@gmail.com


This contest was created and paid for by RSBP Events & PR. No restaurant has paid for their participation, as it was all elective. Restaurants were chosen based on information sourced by RSBP Events & PR. Cash prizes and gift cards are sponsored by independent businesses and restaurants in Tampa Bay.


Thank you to Airam Dato-on Photo, Debra Bellanti Creative, and American Marketing for their assistance in design and production.